Below is the MK Council proposals for Bus services from April 2011, Including some Commercial Decisions that Arriva are wanting to implement at the same time, The dcument is a bit heavy going, and as I’m driving a bus this weekend I haven’t had time to pick the interesting bits out, But if anyone wants to have a go, Feel free to comment with anything that You find 🙂
All Change
Been a little while since I’ve written here.
I have been put on a secondment to a Desk job at the depot for a few months, Looking after the Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI) system, and also the CCTV system installed on
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
I promise to try an update the blog more often in 2011!!!
The past..
How things have changed in Milton Keynes and for the Route 4..
Service 4 at “The Point” in 1990 (thanks for “mookydog” for the picture loan)
and 11 years later we are back to full size buses again
Yesterday was Showbus…
Not alot to say about it really other than it was very cold n wet.
We took a Route 300 Citaro, Which I forgot to take a picture of, LOL, So courtesy of Adam Dowling, Here it is!!
Easy Sunday and a Test
Nice easy shift last sunday trundling back n forth on the 300’s… This is a rare treat as it’s a seperate rota, There’s no hassle on it at all, It’s a nice simple run and the buses are lovely to drive… I’m just not sure I could do the same route all day every day..
It seemed on Wednesday Arriva introduced a new memory test without telling me.
The test seemed to be to see if you could work the ticket machine only from memory. As you can see from the lower screen, Trying to remember what fare stage you are on and what buttons your pressing without a working screen takes a lot longer and ended with me failing the test miserably when I took this picture as I was 16 minutes late.. lol
Good morning
Ah lovely, my first argument of the day, I’m a jobsworth wanker all because he didn’t like the price of the bus fare
And then 10 minutes later another one over a
A change
Thinking about changing the blog.
I know a lot of you come here for just the bus related stuff, and others aren’t interested in the slightest about that side of the blog n just want the personal postings…
Hmmmmm, I’m trying to work out how to make a URL like that would filter out all the bus stuff, and with removes the personal stuff……. Or just start a whole new personal blog, what’s peoples views on this??
:-o Another (sortof) Non bus Blog post!!
Sometimes do you just feel like your life goes round in circles, with nothing noteworthy happening. Just the same routine day in day out?? That’s how it’s felt for a couple of months for me, which I’m using as an excuse for the lack of blog updates. 😛
So what has been going on?? Bugger all !!!
I am still taking my Psoriasis tablets, Acitretin. It’s been a good 18 months now that I’ve been on them, and they are still sort of working, not as well as when I first started them but they are just about holding it back. I still have the occasional incident where there’s red patches on me arms that embarass me a bit, But it’s not too bad….. I’ve even got to wear shorts this summer!! This might not sound like a big deal, But it’s been 15 years since my legs have been clear enough for me to have the courage to wear them outside, This little fact is a really big thing for me, probably the best thing that’s happened from this medication.
The downside though is the side effects which have really started to come into force of late, The worst ones at the moment are the shoulder pain and mood swings. I feel like whenever someone asks me whats wrong and I just say “it’s my tablets” it’s like I’m using it as an excuse for everything that goes wrong with me and they are like “yeah whatever” and roll their eyes, but it really is the tablets! I feel like I moan on and on about my medication, and I guess I do, but it really really has given me alot more confidence to do stuff.
Work was fun on Thursday, To start with I had a bus where the Destination blind was stuck on “A – PRIVATE-SHUTTLE” when I was actually on route 8.
This meant stopping at every stop and shouting “EIGHT!!” at people LOL. No wonder people put their hands out at buses when they have Not In Service or Shuttle on the front!
and then for the second half of my shift the Bus decided to break down right by a junction with lots of people moaning and buses struggling to get past… What a fun fun day that was LOL.
and now today, the bad news, My car’s broke 🙁
Turbo went “pop” and now it’s sat at the dealers… The problem being that the Warranty runs out on Wednesday!! Hoping they don’t try to weasel out of doing anything :-/
the most exciting thing of late was being on the Telly at Big Brother! Woo!!!
This is ‘Banking Clara’, She is the other half of Professional Matt…..
That’s me, Banking Clara and Professional Matt with the “Where’s the Shuttle?” banner 🙂
Well that’s all I can think about putting here for now, see you in 6 months! LOL
The height of customer information
With our new MK Star network, It seems we’ve taken the customer information at Bus Stops to a new level 😉