There is no title

Quite possibly the most boring video you’ll find on Youtube, Bits of my Sunday glued together into one video.. and No, I didn’t win anything….



Now into my third week at MK Metro, and it’s my first week out on my own without a trainer…. All going fine I think.

I’m still missing the friendlyness of Aylesbury depot, I find Metro, and especially the Bus Station a bit intimidating, But since starting here I’ve noticed my Psoriasis has started to slowly clear up, Which proves my theory that working all those hours on the 200 for Arriva wasn’t doing my health any good.

The problem being of course that my skin was at it’s worst when I started at Metro. I did plan to try and at least get my hands clear with steroid cream, But it hasn’t happened. This hasn’t helped with getting to talk to people as I can see them staring at my skin which then puts me on the defensive. :/

Oh well, I’ve only been on me own for 2 days, So we’ll have to see how it goes, At the moment I’m 80% certain I made the right decision to transfer.

Another 5 second video now, This bus must hold the record for the most annoying indicator sound! LOL



Harry, The other Aylesbury driver who’s over at Milton Keynes, who normally covers my breaks, Is leaning against my bus, While I’m sat in the cab.

I’m telling him that the bus I’ve got seems to have major Wheel Wobble..

Me: All the yellow wheel markers are in the right place aint they Harry?

Harry: Yeah

<Bent over old woman with compulsory trolley walks by and mutters something, Me & Harry assume it’s not directed at us>

Me (To Harry): Hmm I wonder what’s…

Old Woman (To me): SHUT UP! I am asking a question

<Harry Looks at me, I look at him, Old woman starts to mumble her question again>

Me: Harry, Get on my bus

Me (To Old woman): WE ARE NOT INTERESTED <Close Doors>


And people wonder why I’m not a fan of OAP’s!

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Oh my god I can't believe it….

….Nothing has happened at all this week. 😉

What a boring week…

I was amazed to see how organised we are with our electric blinds now…


When I first started there it would’ve taken 6 months to get anyone to update a destination blind..

(I told you it was a bad week for excitment if this was the highlight!)

Mrs C & I went to Bingo at the Point on Sunday Night.

I got to play with one of these new fangled gadgets they have now.. No need for pen & paper books!


and I won a whole