Time for an Update

I Hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year, It’s been a while since I last updated my blog properly, Partly because not alot has been happening, Partly because I’ve been quite ill and I suppose there’s been a bit of laziness in there too!



GoodBye Barclaycard…. Hello Electron!

People that know me will know that I am in a IVA. One of the restrcitions is that you cannot have any “new” credit while your are under the scheme (which is common sense really). Quite a few posts ago I blogged that I was having trouble getting a proper Debit card, ie. Delta/Maestro. I do have one now, But the nearest branch of this bank is Oxford Street, London… Not very handy! Anyway the past few months I’ve been having problems with it in shops where it keeps getting declined for no reason. Rang bank and found out that if the transaction cannot be authorised there and then for whatever reason they decline it. So basically this is a Visa Electron card with a Delta badge, completely pointless, Infact I’ve found more places I can use my Electron card than I can this supposedly “better” Delta Card, Namely Pay@Pump petrol stations.

Well anyway, I was in ASDA the other week and it was declined, So I was very naughty and used the Barclaycard. This was the beginning of the end and the statement arrived today with a balance of £190! This goes to show that I cannot be trusted with Credit Cards and have decided that I never want another one again (Although the IVA company say you should get one once my IVA runs out to get my credit file back on track again). So today I have paid the full balance, Cancelled the account and cut up the card, which felt rather good 🙂

I’ve decided to dump this Visa Delta card and it’s quite useless and go back to my Electron for the time being, and now that I have this Tesco Clubcard Plus thing to pay with (Did I mention that I’m a Tesco addict and by everything I can from there?!) I don’t really need that fancy a Debit card anyway. For emergencies I now have a shiny new Virgin PrePaid Credit Card. 😀


The week before christmas was an interesting one in that I broke down 3 times in 4 days.

First off was the Monday, about 1630, 40 minutes into my shift my Double Decker ran out of fuel near Princes Risborough on the way to High Wycombe. It seems that it was used on a Rail Replacement the night before in London and hadn’t got back to the depot til 0230, Long after the Fuellers had gone home. Anyway, enginner arrives around an hour later, By which time I’m freezing, and its another 40 minutes before he finally gets it started again. So by the time I set off again I’ve lost 4 journeys and just take the bus back to the depot for my break, What a nice easy first half 😉

On Wednesday I was asked to go cover a duty at our Leighton Buzzard outstation, which turned out to be the Late shift… Well it’s called a late shift as it’s the last one to finish but its only 2125 and you can normally be out the door by 2100. Just dropping the last person off at around 2035, and on the bus stop was a car, So I had to drop them off out in the road, about 5 feet from the kerb. Thats when the engine shuddered to a halt. There I am in the middle of this road with a bus that won’t start, I get out and try to start it from the back, under the engine hood but still nothing, By now I’ve got a queue of cars behind me. Time to call the old bill, who came out within half hour which I thought was pretty fast who then closed the road at both ends while I rolled the bus down the hill to get it at least partly off the road out of the way. Just before they arrived I rang the engineers who said that they couldn’t come out to me as they were already going to another bus or something, and that it sounded like I had run out of diesel (again) as “that bus did that the other day”. Great! “Don’t worry I’ll get Bedfordshire Recovery out to tow you”, Hmmm I thought, could be here a while then.



After an hour of not hearing anything I rang back, “Oh yeah, Bed’s Recovery can’t come out to you and neither can Soveriegn, You’ll have to wait for me to get back and then out to you”. Wonderful! Well at 23:45 he arrived, Put some diesel in got me back to the yard and then we filled it up, Got to finish work at 0030, so was just the 3 hours and 5 minutes late! and it was bloody freezing that night!

Then on Friday I broke down at Milton Keynes Train Station as my byus was complaining that it had no water, Offloaded the passengers onto a MK Metro bus to take them to the shops and then spent 15 minutes wandering round the Train Station asking if they had a watering can! lol In the end the coffee shop filled up a couple of milk containers for me which did the trick and I was away only 30 minutes late.

All in all it wasn’t a good week for me


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This is my friend ‘Mrs C’. The name will become clear in a later posting when I have time.

Both of us are going to be taking a bus out one sunday to get some snaps to enter the ARRIVA Employee Photo Competition, So if you see a mad woman driver driving a bus round and round while theres another standing at the side of the road taking pictures of it, with a Oxford branded bus with bizarre destinations on the front You’ll know who we are and what were upto. If we win the top prize (£300) then were off out for the day as a treat.

Remembered your sock?

UVA Room

Three times a week I now have to stand in this thing.

We are now up to the dizzying heights of 23 seconds in length.

I’m starting to get slight “sunburn” now, So it might all have to stop….

Next stop – Cyclosporin But that comes with a whole new set oh side effects LOL.

Oh and the sock reference in the title, You have to wear one on you “delicate parts” to decrease risk of cancer in that area.

All Clear

6 hours at the Hospital yesterday 🙁 But good and bad news…

The thing cut out of my arm turned out to be clear, But now it’s summat else.

My weekly blood tests for the MTX treatment have shown up a problem with my Liver.

So now I am waiting for a Liver Biopsy, Which doesn’t sound in anyway painless or fun.

I am now also having light treatment three times a week as well as taking MTX… It’s causing havoc at work!


Anyway that’s enough about my failing body, DAF 0447, The recently refurbished-with-leather-seats bus, Is currently parked up in the “Scrap Corner” as it’s engine has died.. Dunno if it’s going to be replaced with a new engine or not yet.



Central MK Rail Station

My shift contained a couple of rounds on the 100 this evening. The route has a very slack running time, So you can easily be 8-10 minutes early at Milton Keynes Station.

Tonight I was 4 minutes early, All this sitting about waiting your time has not helped me. A couple of weeks ago I have a iffy looking freckle cut out of my arm, and tomorrow I find out what it was.

It’s being going round and round in my head today about what the result is going to be. I know I can’t do anything about it, But it doesn’t stop you worrying about it does it…

Still at least I’ve got the day off 😀

October already!

Well again it’s been over a month since my last posting.

I’ve not really had much to write about as work is painfully boring at the moment.

My Psoriasis has gone mad in the last few days, and I spent most of Saturday morning at the Hospital being seen by a specialist. It’s now been decided that I shall take a rather nasty drug called Methotrexate. This comes with a delightful side order of Weekly Blood Tests, The possibility of a Liver Biopsy and the feeling of nausea for around three days after taking the drug. But even with all that, If it clears my skin I’ll be happy! and taking a tablet once a week sounds much better than having to apply creams twice (or more) a day.


This is gonna sound really sad, and well, I don’t care! 😀

I went to the London Transport Museum shop in Covent Garden a few weeks back and saw these cushions… Not any old cushions you must understand, But cushions that have been made out of London Bus Seats of yesteryear, and ever since then I’ve wanted one. I popped down there yesterday and got myself one 🙂

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News from work is that we will be receiving a couple of brand new buses. This is unheard of in Aylesbury!!

The two Optare Solo’s were originally purchased for High Wycombe depot for a route to Thame, But when they arrived it was noted that they didn’t fit on the stops at Wycombe Bus Station (Why this wasn’t thought about before they spent the money on them is anyones guess!).

But Wycombe’s misfortune is our gain and they should be arriving shortly…

wycombe solo

Time Flies

It’s been almost a month since my last post, Yet I don’t really have anything to report.

I’m off to drive a bus for our Leighton Buzzard outstation for a couple of weeks as they are short staffed. Nice little shift each day, 1500 – 2120 😉

I’ve re-started my Bus model shop (www.modelsmk.co.uk) to try and make a bit of extra cash..


..But apart from that not alot has been happened 🙁

Back home

I went on a little break last week to a place called California, Just outside Great Yarmouth. Was nice to have some time away from home and driving buses. The weather wasn’t too bad, Rained quite a bit at night, I was quite happy it wasn’t hot as I don’t like the sun much. Even though it was fairly mild all week I still managed to burn my face on first day we were there so have been in agony ever since lol.


California/Scratby Beach at Dusk – Wind Farm in distance

Been to a friends house today to do fiddle with their PC and became quite embarrassed after about an hour or so when I realised that my skin was flaking (My psoriasis has been a bit bad this week as i’m off the steroid cream) and there was loads of little white bits all over their carpet. With it being dark blue they showed up even more. I couldn’t wait to get out of there. 🙁 Gawd knows what they must’ve thought.

I need a Bank Account


After whats happened in the past few days with my bank account has been used by various other people I’ve been looking at getting another account.

The problem being that because I’m in an IVA I have a very limited choice of who will accept me.

Infact there is only about 4 banks that will take me on with no credit check and only 1 out of that 4 that will give you a Debit Card (Yes one of those manky Electron ones), and that bank is The Co-op. So after spending nearly an hour on the phone to them giving them every possible personal detail about me the computer still comes back with “Referred”, So I still have to wait for a decision. Grrrr! 🙁

Your Transaction has been declined

I Just don’t believe my luck. For the second time in as many months my Bank Account has been cleared out by somebody using a clone of my Debit Card. Last month is was a Sainsburys in East Kilbride, Scotland. This month it’s somebody recharging their “Sawa” Prepaid credit Card in the Middle East. Each time they have made repeated transactions until there is no money left.

Looking at the places I use my card I card think of any time where the card has not been in my view. It only really gets used in Tesco, To pay my mobile Phone Bill and for Sky TV. I shred all my receipts so it’s got to have been ‘skimmed’ at one of the above places. 🙁

So from now on it’s going to be:

  • The card NEVER leaves my sight
  • Use a Prepaid Card for all Internet and Phone Transactions
  • Any bills that need paying will be by Bank Transfer instead of Card

Oh and so now of course I have about £20 to my name as my Card has been blocked and I have no access to money.