Can’t think of anything exciting happening since I last blogged so I’m gonna tell you all about the boring things instead LOL
Category Archives: Buses
Just found a picture of me on the net from a few years ago, Took me by surprise lol! Route and bus don’t exist anymore, Well not at Aylesbury anyway
Could Wednesday have been any more quiet?! Total takings for a 13 hour shift.
I was also gonna write a big rant about yesterday (Thrusday), But since I’ve slept on it I’ve decided it’s probably not wise, Although if today turns out much the same then I might change my mind again and blog all about it.
Don't stand there!
How easy do you think it is to close a bus stop??
Not that easy by the looks of it.
A Notice appears in the Bus Stop last Friday..
Yet since that date Noting has happened to the bus stop, It looks perfectly servicable, and to be honest I doubt the council have told the bus company as most of the number 8’s still seem to be stopping there. Which is of course causing all kind of confusion with people standing there and wondering why some buses stop and some don’t.
All it needs is for the stop to be closed off with a few traffic cones, Not difficult really and it would save alot of hassle.
No Really It's true!
A new world record for the Route 200 was reached yesterday.
Protected: Grow yer Own
Back to work
Within 90 minutes of being back at work I was already in a mood LOL.
Look at this bus…
1 in a Million
Makes a change to see someone ‘get done’
Oh my god I can't believe it….
….Nothing has happened at all this week. 😉
What a boring week…
I was amazed to see how organised we are with our electric blinds now…
When I first started there it would’ve taken 6 months to get anyone to update a destination blind..
(I told you it was a bad week for excitment if this was the highlight!)
Mrs C & I went to Bingo at the Point on Sunday Night.
I got to play with one of these new fangled gadgets they have now.. No need for pen & paper books!
and I won a whole
Very Quick update before bed
This is nothing to do with my driving!
and somebody asked for a picture of a Ticket machine, so errrr here it is! Enjoy, Whoever you are!